PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention Support and sets the tone for our school wide behavior rule -
Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.
All staff will work with students to teach them the rules and acknowledge them when they are behaving appropriately by handing out "Mustang Tickets" to students who are 'caught' setting a good example. These tickets are collected weekly and entered into a raffle. This year, we are incorporating a Student of the Month Assembly into our PBIS program.
Every month, we will focus on a different character trait. Each teacher will nominate their students who exemplify the month's Character Trait.The Student of the Month assemblies will be held on the last Thursday of the month in lieu of outdoor morning announcements. All families are invited to join us as we will incorporate the traditional flag salute and song into the assembly. Parents/Guardians of the Student of the Month will receive invitations to ensure they do not miss this special event.