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Emergency Procedures

Henry Ford, along with all schools in the District, use the guidelines of the San Mateo County Big Five Emergency Procedures.

Each classroom has an exit map and emergency information posted near the exit door. This information is updated each year by the office staff. Fire drills, one Earthquake drill and two Lockdown drills are held throughout the school year. It is important that students remain quiet and move to the appropriate designated safe place during each drill. For the safety of each student during a real emergency, the following procedure will be used:. 

  • It is very important to have emergency cards updated, especially contact persons and current phone numbers as under no circumstances shall a child be released from the custody of school personnel until an authorized adult picks them up

  • The safety of all is of paramount importance.

Henry Ford staff are trained in first aid, CPR and AED procedure. The school safety plan that is updated and reviewed every year. The Automated Emergency Defibrillators (AED) are located in the office and in the MUR (cafeteria).

In case of an emergency or disaster, please tune to the following radio stations for instructions: 

KNBR 680 (English) or KIQOI 1010 (Spanish)